A business is an organization engaged in the selling of goods and services, and may include for-profit businesses that distribute profits to the owners of the business, and non-profit businesses organized under rules that prohibit distribution of profits to the owners of the business.
In Texas, businesses can operate as for-profit entities or non-profit organizations. For-profit businesses are established with the intent to earn profits for their owners or shareholders and can include various forms such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations. These profits can be distributed to the business owners in the form of dividends or other distributions. Non-profit organizations, on the other hand, are created for a public or mutual benefit other than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors. Texas non-profits are governed by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act and must adhere to specific regulations that prohibit the distribution of profits to their members or directors. Instead, any surplus funds must be reinvested back into the organization's mission and activities. Both for-profit and non-profit entities are required to comply with state statutes, which include registration with the Texas Secretary of State, adherence to tax obligations, and other regulatory requirements specific to their business type and industry.