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Election law

Election law is a broad category of state and federal laws—statutes, constitutions, and case law (court opinions)—and includes issues related to voter eligibility; voting methods and processes; vote tabulations and recounts; and the financing and expenditures of state and federal political campaigns.

In Texas, election law encompasses a variety of state statutes and federal laws that govern the electoral process. Voter eligibility in Texas typically requires individuals to be U.S. citizens, residents of the county where they intend to vote, at least 18 years old by Election Day, and not disqualified by reason of a felony conviction or declared mentally incapacitated by a court of law. Texas offers several voting methods, including in-person voting on Election Day, early voting, and absentee or mail-in voting under specific circumstances. The state has specific procedures for vote tabulation and recounts, which can be requested under certain conditions if the results are close. Campaign finance in Texas is regulated by the Texas Ethics Commission, which enforces laws related to political contributions and expenditures, campaign reporting, and political advertising. At the federal level, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) oversees campaign finance for federal elections, ensuring compliance with contribution limits and disclosure requirements. Both state and federal laws work in tandem to ensure the integrity and fairness of the electoral process.

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