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cycling under influence (CUI)

Some states have laws against riding a bicycle on a street or highway while under the influence of drugs or alcohol (cycling under the influence, or CUI). Other states apply traditional DUI/DWI laws to cycling while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And some states don't have a specific CUI law, and don't apply traditional DUI/DWI laws to riding a non-motorized vehicle, such as a bicycle.

In Texas, the laws that apply to driving while intoxicated (DWI) do not explicitly include bicycles. Texas law defines 'motor vehicle' in a way that generally excludes bicycles when it comes to DWI statutes. Therefore, the traditional DWI laws that apply to motor vehicle operators under the influence of drugs or alcohol do not directly apply to cyclists. However, this does not mean that riding a bicycle under the influence is without consequence. Cyclists can still be stopped by law enforcement and potentially charged with public intoxication or other applicable offenses if they are found to be a danger to themselves or others. It's important to note that local ordinances may have specific regulations regarding cycling under the influence, so cyclists should be aware of the laws in their specific locality.

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