Identity Theft: Law, Legal Issues, and Solutions

Posted: January 8, 2024
identity theft

Identity theft occurs when someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data, typically for economic gain, through deception or fraud. Let’s look at some common ways in which this can occur, as well as how to legally deal with identity theft. 

Legal Variations and Issues of Identity Theft

  1. Unauthorized Use of Personal Information: Perhaps the most often recognized form of identity theft, this involves using someone’s details like Social Security numbers or banking information for financial gain. Victims may face unauthorized credit accounts or transactions. 

  2. Mail Theft: Stealing mail is a common method for obtaining personal information. It can lead to unauthorized access to bank statements, credit card offers, or personal correspondence.

  3. Phishing and Cyberattacks: Cybercriminals often use deceptive emails or software to extract sensitive information. This can involve tricking the victim into revealing passwords or account details with complex ‘social engineering’ scams.

  4. Fraudulent Use of Credit and Financial Details: This type of identity theft can devastate credit scores and lead to significant financial losses, affecting long-term financial stability.

  5. Impersonation: Using someone's identity for non-financial purposes, like misleading law enforcement or hiding one's real identity. 

  6. Criminal Charges on Behalf of the Victim: Sometimes, criminals may engage in illegal activities using the stolen identity, which can result in wrongful accusations or criminal charges for the victim. 

Seeking Legal Advice and Counsel

The United States has federal laws like the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which makes identity theft a federal crime. Additionally, state laws may provide further protections and penalties, varying from state to state. These laws empower victims to seek legal recourse, and law enforcement agencies to prosecute the perpetrators.

Working with an attorney plays a crucial role in addressing identity theft. Initially, they provide guidance on immediate actions, such as contacting credit bureaus, filing police reports, and closely monitoring financial activities. They also assist in rectifying the impact on credit scores and reports by coordinating with credit agencies. 

In cases where the identity thief is known, an attorney can help victims sue for damages in civil court. Furthermore, they work with financial institutions to contest and reverse fraudulent charges. Importantly, if identity theft leads to wrongful criminal accusations, a lawyer is instrumental in clearing the victim's name. 

Lastly, attorneys provide preventive advice to safeguard personal information, offering strategies for digital security and effective personal data management.

Know the Laws with LegalFix

Identity theft is a multifaceted legal issue with significant consequences for victims. Legal professionals play a vital role in both addressing the aftermath of identity theft and guiding clients on preventive measures. The solutions they offer can alleviate the significant financial, emotional, and legal burdens that victims face.

Whether you want to learn about how to deal with identity theft or just want a better understanding of how our legal system works, LegalFix is your go-to source for free legal information. You can find helpful articles and use the free search and information tools to better understand the state and federal laws that affect you. Just visit to find all this content — and check back often for more valuable legal products and services coming soon. 

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